So Weapos;ve left the island life behind now. I�miss Maui but not so much Honolulu. Honolulu is like a concrete jungle. The plush hotels look all right but the other buildings are like eyes sores. Itapos;s a shame because if Honolulu had kept the untouched look that Maui still has it would truely be beautiful. Perhaps with more time ,a trip outside the city would be a better option.� It seems to commercialised for� a paradise.
So we arrived on the mainland on sunday night. It is now Tuesday afternoon. The weather the past 2 days has been awesome. The mornings are cool but they days get warmer and sky is so blue it reminds me of home. Considering San Francisco is not a walking city, weapos;ve done a fair bit of walking.too. Through Chinatown, Down to the Wharf area. Up to Market street and down Van Ness on the highway 101. San Francisco is a little like Sydney.�It has its bay, its famous bridge and the quirky little things that make it what it is. As i will probably say a lot over the next month. Iapos;m going to miss this place.
Oh well, itapos;s off for a trek up the road to Anberlin tonight. Really looking forward to this one.
Till next time
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